I just downloaded my second non-Nintendo mobile phone game: Velocispider! Unlike Duke Dashington, this one up-front costs $2.99. There are also in-app purchases, but as far as I can tell, they're only for unlocking all stages right away, stages you can unlock by progressing normally, for $1. Not as bad as I feared, and not a bad deal if you want to get a taste of all the stages without having to beat them all first, but that's up to you to decide.
Anyway, the game is... basically Space Invaders. But you control a cross between a velociraptor and a spider that has a gun on its head. You have to use that gun of yours to defend your precious velocispider eggs from evil mutant sea creatures which, according to the website here, are part of the "Robot Seafood Corporation", the CEO of which wants to eat them. You get three hearts, lose all three and it's Game Over. To defend yourself and your eggs, you have to tilt your phone left and right as you autoshoot what's above you; you can also touch and hold the screen to do a charge attack. All and all, pretty straight-forward stuff.
My only gripe with the game is the controls; they're not bad for what they are and they work just fine, I'm just not a fan of motion controls or anything that uses gyro-sensors or whatever, which forces me to be in a certain position in order to play. With Duke Dashington, I could play sitting down, lying down, being sideways, what have you, but the ideal way to play Velocispider is to sit/stand upright while holding the phone like so. Again, it's not a deal breaker by any means, I just wish I could get comfortable while playing.
But that's ultimately a nitpick, the game is fun as Hell otherwise, and the overall look and designs of the characters is great pixelated fun, especially the design for the Velocispider itself; it's design alone from when I saw it in Indie Pogo was enough to make me look into the game, it's just a really cool/cute design! So yeah, another hardy recommendation from me, as far as mobile games go!